Three Types of Ear Infections That Can Affect Your Hearing

An ear infection occurs when bacteria or viruses invade the ear, leading to uncomfortable symptoms. The most typical and recognized form of ear infection is otitis media or middle ear infection. This is often what people think of when they think of ear infections. There are two additional types of ear infections to be mindful…
Truckers Are at an Increased Risk of Developing Sleep Apnea

Many of us only think about trucks when we pass them on the road. But they are an integral part of our daily lives, especially with the increase of online shopping over the last year. Unfortunately, the long hours and grueling schedules of the professionals who drive these trucks may be putting them at risk…
How to Safely Clean Your Ears

We’ve all heard the horror stories of permanent damage suffered at the hands of someone simply trying to clean out their ears with a cotton swab. This begs the question, is there a safe way to clean your ears? Does Your Ear Need to be Cleaned? For most, the ears are practically self-cleaning. This is…
Why Does My Ear Hurt?
Ear pain can be caused by a variety of factors, some of which require medical intervention, and others will resolve on their own. Determining the root cause of the pain can help you seek treatment when needed. Change in Air Pressure Your ear is responsible for regulating air pressure to keep the pressure equal on…
During this time of national concern, we wish to advise you of our plan to minimize exposure to the COVID 19 virus (corona virus). If you have a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or have traveled outside of the United States in the last 14 days, we ask that you call our office…
Fa-La-La-La-La, La-La-La-FLU
The holiday season is a magical time of year for people young and old in Tulsa, but it can also bring misery if you happen to come down with the flu. Winter is the traditional cold and flu season; getting sick this time of year can easily dampen your holiday spirit. We’ve got some facts…